
Roosevelt National Forest POTA Activation


Lizzie, Pepper, and I made a run out to Mountain Park this morning for a quick POTA activation. It wasn’t busy but there were plenty of people walking around, one having a nice little cookout. I tossed my transformer wire EFHW into a tree and did some 10 watt ops. There was another contest going but I managed to hit some park-to-park contacts.

I wrapped up the park time with some FT8 to get over 10 contacts. I didn’t ever call CQ, just made other contacts.

One thing I ran into: I didn’t know the park number going up the mountain and ran out of cell service. I should have a list of all the park numbers in my binder. However, I did figure out that the Grid Square app has a handy feature that tells you which park you’re in.

For next time:

Thanks for reading! Facts and circumstances may have changed since the publication of this post so it's worth checking for new posts to see if anything's changed before jumping to conclusions.

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