
Hello, Future!

Welcome to Chip's personal blog "Futurama".

I also have a "Garden" of posts that are works in progress in my personal knowledge management system: View the garden

Get In Touch!

You can email my pubic inbox to chips-inbox@byoi.net if you'd like to discuss something. This is an experiment I'm running to see about the viability of a public inbox. I'm not sure how well it will work, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Note that the email inbox is public, so don't send anything you wouldn't want to be public.

Ham Radio Stats

I'm also a licensed amateur/ham radio operator and have recently gotten back into the hobby. During the summer months I was doing a decent amount of Parks on The Air hunting.

Parks on the Air (N0NEE)

POTA Activations: 2 POTA Activation QSOs: 32 POTA Parks Hunted: 50